Peter Lowe
Chair of the Wales BPA Parking & Transport Group since 2010 and a past president of the BPA.
Peter has been the MD of RTA Associates Ltd since October 2010. RTA Associates Ltd is a well-respected private company specialising in consultancy advice and DTRO work for the parking industry. He worked at Salford Council for 18 years, leaving in April 2001 as a Group Engineer in Traffic & Transportation to work for RTAA.
Peter has been actively involved in the BPA since 2009, and he is proud of the huge amount of progress made by the Wales group since its inception 14 years ago. The position of Chair of Wales BPA permits him to be in positions on task force groups for the Welsh Government, and he has been on the WG Pavement Parking group for three years since its inception.
In respect of today, he is a strong advocate for removing street clutter.